
http://lod.ehri-project-test.eu/units/il-002820-9932929395104146-990004764210304146 an entity of type: Record

1 electronic resource (52 pages) 
The files contain reports handled in to the SD-Unterabschnitt (Security Service of the Reichsführer-SS) in Thüringen, Erfurt in 1937 and 1938. Handled in by the Aussenstellenleiter der SS-Oberscharführer (senior squad leader) and others. The SD was tasked with the detection of actual or potential enemies of the Nazi leadership and the neutralization of this opposition. To fulfill this task, the SD created an organization of agents and informants throughout the Reich. The SD was mainly the information-gathering agency, because of that all the reports had to be handled in to them. The informants knew about Jewish meetings and had to be present at most of them to write their reports. The reports mostly contain an index of proper names concerning participants. Some of them were gatherings in synagogues or theaters etc., but most of them were in Jewish organizations. The reports also cover the topics and further information about the meeting itself or the people who participated. Also member numbers of Jewish organizations, their meanderings as well as activities and annulments had to be reported. 

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