Die faschistische Diktatur in Deutschland

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Die faschistische Diktatur in Deutschland 
Die faschistische Diktatur in Deutschland 
1 electronic resource (128 pages) 
The pamphlet describes the present situation in Germany since the takeover of the Nazis. After an historical overview the factors that influenced the political life during the Weimar republic are listed: the treaty of Versailles, the role of the social democrats in crushing the revolution of 1918-1919, and the occupation of the Ruhr area by France and Belgium because of Germany's inability to pay reparations. The economic situation of Germany is analyzed. The low wages of the workers were necessary to be competitive in the world market to be able to raise enough foreign currency for the reparation payments. It meant that the workers were susceptible to jingoism and agitation. Statistics are provided. The author accuses the social democrats of enabling the rise of the Nazis. The activities of the communist party before going underground are discussed in a separate section. The work of the KPD (Communist Party of Germany) during these years is analyzed next and a plan of action should be developed for a"victorious insurrectio". The author further tries to answer the question if the Hitler government will maintain itself in power and how resistance to fascism that is growing should be organized into an effective resistance movement. It further tries to answer if there was a revolutionary situation in Germany before January 1933 according to criteria mentioned by Lenin. The chapter"results of the fascistic dictatorship in German" shows the many cuts of social services implemented by the Nazis after the"Gleichschaltun" (coordination) of the unions. It describes the effects of Nazi rule on farmers and small-town citizens. It concludes that the promises of the Nazis remained unfulfilled and empty. The standard of living in Germany has decreased, exports declined, gold reserves diminished, and inflation increased. The last chapter lists cases of resistance among workers in various factories and of citizens in general. 

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