Zwischen den Zeilen an entity of type: Record

Zwischen den Zeilen 
Zwischen den Zeilen 
1 electronic resource (58 pages) 
The purpose of this publication is to reveal the passive resistance of many journalists and editors in the conservative press who wrote against Nazi policies"Zwischen den Zeile" (between the lines). It uses the publisher Droste as an example. Passive resistance is shown through many examples: from"spelling mistake" "Red Le" instead of Robert Ley) to the placement of Nazi related news in an abridged version somewhere in the back of the paper. A separate chapter places headlines of the Nazi press against headlines of the"Mitta" (Midday), a conservative paper from 1933, 1936 and 1939. The"Spitam" case is another example. Many instances of support by the publisher of banned writers, translators and authors are documented. 

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