[organisation of economy and price policy]

http://lod.ehri-project-test.eu/units/il-002820-9932929395104146-990004818000304146 an entity of type: Record

[organisation of economy and price policy] 
[organisation of economy and price policy] 
1 electronic resource (27 pages) 
Documents regarding price policy and organising economy under Nazi rule. Circular letter of Reichert of the interest group of iron industries with two attachments. One attachment is about the Nazi plans to reorganize economy and the other attachment is a record about statements of Goerdeler regarding price regulation. A confident circular letter of the head of the interest group of iron industries about tax increase for exports. A circular letter of Reichert about price policy for building contracts. One attachment is a record of negotiations between the commissioner for price regulation and the Reichsgruppe Industrie. The other attachment is a statement of the statement of the commissioner for price regulations explaining the policy of chosing the cheapest offer in a bidding. A confidental circular letter about the Deutsche Arbeitsfront. Extract of a lecture of Selzner of the DAF about task forces. 

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