Reichsjugendführer: regulations re youth service of Jewish Mischlinge an entity of type: Record
Reichsjugendführer: regulations re youth service of Jewish Mischlinge
Reichsjugendführer: regulations re youth service of Jewish Mischlinge
1 folder
The document is evidence of the problem that the Nazis had with treating Germans of mixed Jewish parentage, in particular what to do with Mischlinge 1 Grades (with 2 Jewish grandparents) who had already been serving in the Jugenddienst. Whilst the latter group were now regarded as having an unacceptable level of Jewish blood, many had already served the Third Reich and many more were due to once they reached the right age. The solution was apparently to create an intermediate stage in which Mischlinge 1 Grades were to be put on permanent standby (Bereitstellung) but would never actually be called up for service. The official response to potential complainants was to be a statement to the effect that the demands of war had created a shortfall amongst Jugenddienst leaders, and they were therefore unable to take on more people.