Warum schweigt die Welt

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Warum schweigt die Welt 
Warum schweigt die Welt 
1 electronic resource (68 pages) 
The book Warum schweigt die Welt (Why does the world remain silent) from 1936 is a collection of writings by Carl v. Ossietzky, Georg Bernhard, W. Franck, Jack Iwo, Alfred Kantorewicz, Rudolf Leonhard, and Paul Westheim on the current situation in the world, the"descend of Germany into barbaris". It is dedicated to the liberation of Berthold Jacob. In the introduction Georg Bernhard gives reasons why the world is so indifferent to the plight of the persecuted in Nazi Germany. Berthold Jacob recounts his stay in the Columbia House (a concentration camp in Berlin). Jack Iwo draws comparisons between the Nazi policy against Jews with the suppression and persecution of Huguenots in the times of Louis XIV. He predicts the extermination of Jews and after them the Latin nations and others. Alfred Kanterowicz analyses Nazi propaganda, specifically the use of a single case to terrorize a whole group and to create a connection with the masses. Paul Westheim laments the loss of the"Weltgewisse" (world conscience) that has been replaced by shrugging shoulders, referring to the internal affairs of a country when injustices take place. Rudolf Leonhard writes a letter to the mayor of Laren who betrayed 5 young socialists to the Nazis. Wolf Franck writes about the fascist's success to conquer the heart of people and elaborates on the meaning of heroism, which should be reclaimed. Carl v. Ossietky's essay"Accountabilit" a reprint from May 10th, 1932, in the"Weltbühn" is a rebuke to the article by Knut Hamsun daunting Ossietzky who was at that time, already three years in a concentration camp. Ossietzky explains why he didn't leave Germany when he had the opportunity to do so."Retur" is a short statement upon his release. Warum schweigt die Welt? : ein Vorwort / von Georg Bernhard. - Warum schweigt die Welt? / von Berthold Jacob. - Schweigen bedeutet Zustimmung zur Barbarei / von Jack Iwo. - Nutzanwendung des"Fall Jaco" / von Alfred Kantorowicz. -"Innere Angelegenhei" / von Paul Westheim. - Brief an einen Bürgermeister : [Gedicht] / von Rudolf Leonhard. - Über den Heroismus : einige Bemerkungen anläßlich d. Falls Jacob / von Wolf Franck. - Und du kannst schweigen! : [Gedicht] / von Rudolf Leonhard. - Carl von Ossietzky's Antwort / [Alfred Kantorowicz]. - Rechenschaft / von Carl v. Ossietzky. - Rückkehr / von Carl v. Ossietzky. 

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