"Incurably insan"
http://lod.ehri-project-test.eu/units/us-005578-irn1002469 an entity of type: Record
"Incurably insan"
"Incurably insan"
Located in an institution for the incurably insane. Shows the"insan" who must be restrained and artificially fed, unaware of their surroundings, incapable of useful work. 'The sins of the fathers are visited on their children. Innocent themselves, broken in body and spirit, a burden to themselves and others!' Individuals with bizarre, typically disturbed movements are shown. Three children tied to their beds 'for the duration of their lives.' 01:05:12 Title in large letters:"Soll es so weitergehen" [Should it continue this way?] 01:05:40"Nein! Nein! Niemals" [No! No! Never!] Three further titles explain: 'This is why we are sterilizing the"Erbkran". 01:05:50 Their suffering must not be perpetuated in the bodies of their children. 01:06:03 Otherwise our splendid Volk and its culture will be destroyed.' 01:06:09 Ends with scenes of a lovely house, a forest, and a horse-drawn plow in the fields.