Central Jewish Committee in Poland, Education Department Centralny Komitet Żydów Polskich (CKŻP). Wydział Oświaty (Sygn.303/IX)

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Central Jewish Committee in Poland, Education Department Centralny Komitet Żydów Polskich (CKŻP). Wydział Oświaty (Sygn.303/IX) 
Central Jewish Committee in Poland, Education Department Centralny Komitet Żydów Polskich (CKŻP). Wydział Oświaty (Sygn.303/IX) 
16,937 digital files, PDF 47 microfilm reels, 35 mm 
Contains files of the Central Committee's Education Department, including correspondence, reports, inspection reports, minutes of meetings, statistics, I.Q. tests, school programs, text books, song lyrics, programs for community centers, school certifications, index cards of surviving Jewish children, indexes of found and hidden children in Germany and other European countries, adoption documents, index cards of children in orphanages, and financial statements. Accretion of 2018 includes documentation of several departments: Organizational files (1717-1756): Lists of childcare facilities, instructions, bulletins, reports, minutes of meetings, statistical materials, lists of Jewish schools, surveys, materials from conferences, studies, correspondence; Personnel files of employees (1757); Personal files of children (1758-1777): passports, name lists, correspondence, photos (file no 1761); Files of the Central Summer Camps Committee (1778-1784): prints, minutes of meetings, financial records, reports, correspondence, name lists of children and children's camp cards; Financial files (1785-1786); Learning materials (1787-1792); Files of various branches (1793-1880) relating to orphanages, nurseries, summer camps, schools, boarding schools. Files 1-1693 are available on microfilm. Files 930-986 and 1717-1880 are available digitally. 
The system of arrangement of the source repository has been preserved in the microfilmed reels. Arranged in main seven series: 1. Administration; 2. Psychology Clinic; 3. Pedagogical materials; 4. Personal files; 5. Finance; and 6. Branch offices, kindergartens, schools, and the like; 7. Files added from the archives: Wydzial Opieki Spolecznej, CKŻP. 

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