15th Regional School Inspectorate and its Educational Institutions
http://lod.ehri-project-test.eu/units/md-002886-1772_54 an entity of type: Record
15th Regional School Inspectorate and its Educational Institutions
15-й областной школьный инспекторат и его учебные заведения
15-y oblastnoy shkol'nyy inspektorat i yego uchebnyye zavedeniya
15-й областной школьный инспекторат и его учебные заведения
15-y oblastnoy shkol'nyy inspektorat i yego uchebnyye zavedeniya
Inspectoratul XV regional al învǎţǎmîntului public şi instituţiile subordonate
Inspectoratul XV regional al învǎţǎmîntului public şi instituţiile subordonate
15th Regional School Inspectorate and its Educational Institutions
15th Regional School Inspectorate and its Educational Institutions
15-й областной школьный инспекторат и его учебные заведения
15-y oblastnoy shkol'nyy inspektorat i yego uchebnyye zavedeniya
15-й областной школьный инспекторат и его учебные заведения
15-y oblastnoy shkol'nyy inspektorat i yego uchebnyye zavedeniya
Inspectoratul XV regional al învǎţǎmîntului public şi instituţiile subordonate
Inspectoratul XV regional al învǎţǎmîntului public şi instituţiile subordonate
15th Regional School Inspectorate and its Educational Institutions
Files of the Chişinău Private Jewish Gymnasium I. G. Vaisman: the record book of biographical information on the pupils admitted into school in 1916‐17 and 1920‐1921
academic years; the record on the marks received by the pupils of 1‐7 grades in 1917‐18 year; the list of pupils for 1917‐18 academic year; the record books on marks received by
the pupils of 3‐8 grades in 1919‐1920 academic year; class books for 1‐5 grades for 1919‐1920 academic year; the marks for pupils of 8th grade in 1920‐1921; the examination files and the minutes of the meeting of committee for graduation exams for 8th grade in 1921‐1922;
examination questions for graduation exams in 1921‐1922; record books of the marks received by the pupils of 1st grade in 1921‐1922 academic year; same for 2nd grade in 1921‐22; class books for 1st grade in 1921‐22 academic year; same for 4th grade; the requests of the graduates of the school to receive corresponding documents; examination files for the
pupils of 8th grades; programs of study for the disciplines: physiques, mechanics, cosmography, Latin language in the Chişinău boy’s gymnasium Veisman; the record books on the grads received by the pupils of 2‐8 grades in 1922‐23 academic year; same 8th grade; class books for 1‐8 grades for 1922‐23 academic year; the record books on the grades received by the pupils of 3‐8 grades in 1923‐24 academic year; same for 8th grade for 1924‐25 academic year; class book for 4th grade for 1924‐25 academic year; same for 5th grade Same for 6th grade Same for 7th grade; certificates of the graduation of gymnasium in 1920‐21; same for 1921‐22 academic year; same for 1918‐1919 academic year
Listele şi datele biografice ale elevilor admiși la Gimnaziul privat de evrei I.G.Vaisman între 1916
-1918 și 1920-1921. Registrele notelor obținute de către elevii gimnaziului. Subiectele pentru examenele de absolvire din 1921-1922. Cererile absolvenților școlii pentru a primi documentele de absolvire a gimnaziului. Programele de studiu pentru disciplinele fizica, mecanica și limba latină. Certificatele elevilor de absolvire a gimnaziului în 1918-1922.