Löw Lipót iratai
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Löw Lipót iratai
Löw Lipót iratai
kéziratok, nyomtatványok
iskolai bizonyítványai,
szabadulólevél a pesti börtönből, 1827
iskolai bizonyítványai,
szabadulólevél a pesti börtönből, 1827
Családi levelezés, kéziratok 79.236 manuscript of a short text on Leopold Löw (Lipot Löw), 13 pages (handwritten, Hungarian) 79.237 manuscript, letter to the board of the Jewish community Pest (An einen wohllobl. Vorstand der Pester Isr. Cultus Gemeinde. About candidates for a rabbinical position in Pest, suggestions of ? Löw? (handwritten, copy, German) 79.241 school certificate for Leopold Löw, 1. Oktober 1827, allowed to entert he first year (Gymnasialabteilung?) subjects: reading, counting, writing (handwritten, German) 79.240.1 letter by Leopold Löw to an unknown person, Szegedin 14. Februar 1866. About the emancipation of Hungarian Jewry and the seminary. (handwritten, German) 79.240.2 letter to the unknown person by Leopold Löw, to whom he send Albert Schiedl (79.240.5), Löw writes about Schmiedls experiences, the second part of the letters deals with Jewish literature. (handwritten, German) 79.240.3 letter by Leopold Löw to an unknown person, Szegedin 18. Juni 1866. (handwritten, German) 79.240.4 letter by Leopold Löw to an unknown person, Szegedin 28. May 1865, about a contribution of the addresser to Löws journal, and about a seminary. (handwritten, German) 79.240.5 letter of recommendation by Leopold Löw for Albert Schmiedl to an unknown person. Szegedin, 11. März 1886. (handwritten, German) 79.240.6 part of letter by Leopold Löw to an unknown person, without date and place (handwritten, German) 79.240.8 part of letter by Leopold Löw to an unknown person (continuing 79.240.6), without date and place, about Hungarian Jewry (vaterländische Angelegenheiten), Hungarian government offices are mentioned (ung. Miniterien). (handwritten, German) 79.242 part of an school certificate for Leopold Löw, 5. Juny 1835, third year (Gymnasialabteilung), allowed to enter the next level. (printed with handwriting, seal missing, German) 79.243 certificate of the private (external) examination of Leopold Löw on writing, Latin, grammar, etc., Mährisch-Neustadt, 5 Juny 1835 (handwritten, German) 79.244 certificate of Graecum-Examination, Juli 1837, Philosophical Faculty, Pest University (printed with handwriting, Latin) 79.245 certificate (Zeigniss) of rabbinical studies (Talmud) of Leopold Löw, 1831 (handwritten, German) 79.246 Testimonium Scholarsticum, documentation of lectures takes by Leopold Löw 1846 (printed with handwritings, Latin) 79.247 Testimonium Scholarsticum, documentation of lectures takes by Leopold Löw 1839 (printed with handwritings, Latin) 79.248 Testimonium Scholarsticum, documentation of lectures takes by Leopold Löw 1846 (printed with handwritings, Latin) 79.249 certificate (Studien-Zeugnis) for Leopold Löw of the University Vienna, that he took lessons in Philosophy, Vienna 12. Februar 1840 (printed with handwriting, German) 79.250 certificate (Studien-Zeugnis) for Leopold Löw of the University Vienna, that he took lessons in Philosophy, Vienna 2. Juli 1840 (printed with handwriting, German) 79.251 --- 79.252 certificate (Zeugnis) on rabbinical studies of Leopold Löw, 25. August 1830, by a Rabbi (name unclear) (handwritten, sealed, German) 79.253 certificate for Leopold Löw, of the “k.k. Normal-Hauptschule bei St. Anna”, showing that he took lessons “für Lehramts-Candidaten und Privatlehrer”, Vienna, 18. July 1840 (handwritten, seal is missing, German) 79.253 certificate for Leopold Löw of the Hebraeische Lehranstalt Prag, 27. August 1830 (handwritten, sealed, German) 79.254 certificate for Leopold Löw by the Jewish community of Groß-Kanischa that he stayed there from 1830 to 1835 and teached poor children in talmud and thora. (handwritten, German) 1839 79.257 certificate of the “Oberamte der in Mähren Böhmen Kreise gelegenen Herrschaft” for the father of Leopold Löw. (handwritten, German) 79.258 certificate for Leopold Löw, of the “k.k. Polizey-Ober-Direction”, with the allowence to stay in Vienna for studies. (handwritten, German)à foto copy 79.259 greetings by friends to Leopold Löw?, (Hebrew and German, handwritten) 79.261 official document by the community of Gross-Kanischa allowing Leopold Löw to leave for a [Badekur], 1846 (handwritten, German) 79.263 writing exercises of Leopold Löw in German 1825. 79.265 several negrologs for Leopold Löw from Jewish and non-Jewish newspapers. 79.266 negrolog for Leopold Löw by the Jewish community Szeged (printed, German) 79.267 transcript and original text in hungarian. 79.740.7 letter of Leopold Löw to ?, Szegedin 27. Februar 1886 (handwritten, German),on plans of founding a Kulturverein and about the Rabbinerseminar. folder 79.268: single issues of Der ungarische Israelit, October 1875 – Januar 1876. 87.109 letter in Hungarian to Leopold Löw (Lipot Löw) 1865 (handwritten) 87.118 letter to Leopold Löw by Soppern (?), 6. Juni 1866. The letter includes a copy of a document concerning the history of the community of the sender. 86.2 letter by Leopold Löw to M. Zipser, 14. Juli 1855 dealing with the Jewish community of Groß-Kanischa (handwritten, German) 86.3 letter by Leopold Löw to the wife of a chief rabbi (Zipser?), Szegedin, 24. December 1869, expressing his sympathy for her and her los (death of the husband?)(handwritten, German) à there was a collection for the wife of Dr. M. Zisper, chief rabbi. 86.4 letter of Leopold Löw to an unknown person (Zipser), Szegedin, 27. Dec. 1854, concerning the Jewish community of Groß-Kanischa. (handwritten, German) 86.5 letter by Leopold Löw to unknown person, Szegedin, 12. Februar 1855. Löw mentiones his plan to found a Jewish yearbook or fournal 86.6 letter by Leopold Löw to unknown person, Szegedin 17. Oktober 1855. Full content unclear. Partly about a publication Löw don’t agree with. He ask the addresser about his opinion. (handwritten, German) 86.7 letter by Leopold Löw to an unknown person, without place, “Am 8ten Mai 1855”. Löw gives a little report on a trip he took recently, talks about literature and Leopold Zunz and gives a quote by Luzzatto from a letter he wrote to Löw in Hebrew. (handwritten, German, Hebrew) 86.8 letter by Leopold Löw to an unknown person, without place, 7. Juni 1854, exchange about the research of Löw, a commentary on a Hebrew text (hardly readable). (handwritten, German) 86.9 letter by Leopold Löw to an unknown person, without place, 23/5 54 (May 23 1854). Löw tells about his plan to travel to Kanischa. (handwritten, German) 86.10 letter by Leopold Löw to an unknown person, without place, 12. Juni 1854. Löw got an article by this addresser, Löw thanks for that and talks about own research and publications. (handwritten, German) 86.11 Letter by Leopold Löw to an unknown person, Szegedin, 3. Juli 1855. About their correspondence and a trip of Löw. 86.12 Letter by Leopold Löw to an unknown person, without place, 3. Juli 1853. Löw about the Jewish Emancipation in Germany, his work and the work (literary?) of his addresser. 86.13 Letter by Jacob Kern to Leopold Löw, Pesth d. 22. April 1851 concerning the plans to found a seminary with details of a teaching schedule. (handwritten, German) à foto copy 86.14 Letter by Jacob Kern to Leopold Löw, Pesth d. 25. July 1851, praise of Leopold Löw. (handwritten, German) 86.15 letter by Dr. M. Metzky to Leopold offering an article for Löw journal (Ben Chananja), GKanischa, den 27. Nov. 1843. 86.16.1 letter to Leopold Löw by Abraham Kornel, Pest 8. Nov. 1866 (handwritten, Hungarian) 86.16.2 letter to Leopold Löw by Abraham Kornel, without date and place (handwritten, Hungarian) 86.17 letter by Leopold Löw to an unknown person, without date and place (handwritten, Hungarian) 86.18 manuscript, unknown author, handwritten, Hungarian