Selected records from the collections of the Vaslui branch of the Romanian National Archive an entity of type: Record
Selected records from the collections of the Vaslui branch of the Romanian National Archive
Selected records from the collections of the Vaslui branch of the Romanian National Archive
23 microfilm reels, 35 mm
Contains records concerning Jewish matters and the policy of local offices toward Jewish questions, including selected records from the mayors' offices of Vaslui and Bŕlad; the prefecture of Vaslui district; the police headquarters of Vaslui and of Bŕlad; the gendarmerie of Vaslui; the Tutova district office of the Centrala Evreilor; and the Jewish Community in Bŕlad. Also included are postwar records of the Jewish Democratic Committees of Vaslui and Bŕlad.
Arrangement is thematic. Reel 1-3: Fond Primăria oraşului Vaslui. 1909-1968. Fond 4, Inv. 4; Reel 4-5: Fond Poliţia oraşuli Vaslui. 1907-1948, Fond 84, Inv. 84; Reel 6: Fond Legiunea de jandarmi Vaslui. 1923-1949. Fond 91, Inv. 91; Reel 7: Fond Comunitatea Evreilor Bârlad. 1941-1948, Fond 842, Inv. 842; Reel 8: Fond Centrala Evreilor din România – Oficiul Judeţean Tutova. 1942-1943. Fond 843, Inv. 843; Reel 9-11: Fond Comitetul Democratic Evreiesc Vaslui. 1946-1952. Fond 933, Inv. 970; Reel 12- 13: Prefectura judeţului Vaslui. 1862-1950. Fond 1, Inv.1; Reel 14-15: Fond Comitetul Democratic Evreiesc Bârlad. 1945-1953, Fond 932, Inv. 969; Reel 16: Fond Prefectura judeţului Vaslui. Fond 1, Inv.1. (file 59/1941); Reel 17: Comitetul Democratic Evreiesc Bârlad, 1945-1953. Fond 932. Inv. 969 (files only on 1953); Reel 18 -20: Fond Prefectura Judeţului Fălciu. 1861-1950; Reel 21: Fond Prefectura judeţului Vaslui. 1862-1950. Fond nr. 1 Inv. nr. 1; Reel 22: Fond Primăria oraşului Huşi. 1864-1968. Inv. 5; Reel 23: Fond Comunitatea Israelită Huşi. 1929-1930. Inv. 155.