[Decrees, implementation regulations and guidelines of the Ministry of the Occupied Territories in the East regarding the civil admnistration and jurisdiction and uniforms]

http://lod.ehri-project-test.eu/units/il-002820-9932929395104146-990004746090304146 an entity of type: Record

[Decrees, implementation regulations and guidelines of the Ministry of the Occupied Territories in the East regarding the civil admnistration and jurisdiction and uniforms] 
[Decrees, implementation regulations and guidelines of the Ministry of the Occupied Territories in the East regarding the civil admnistration and jurisdiction and uniforms] 
1 electronic resource (39 pages) 
Decrees of the Minister of the Ocuupied Territories in the East for the Realm Commissioners about law-making. Inclosure of guidlines of the Head of the Reichs Chancellery about the unity of law-making in the occupied territories. Notice about the relation between the delegate of the Four-Years-Plan, the Minister of the Occupied Territories in the East and the Realm Commissioners in economic issues and notice of the position of the Realm-, regional- and areal commissioners in the economic administration. Detailed organision decrees, guidelines and regulations for implementation of the civil administration in the"Generalbezirk" Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia incl. establishment of a civil administration, legislation and administrative regulations, status of the public authorities of the occupied states. Legislation orders incl. list of offences to be punished with death. Decrees about the Post and communication administration. decree about the possecion and trade with weapons. Short report about"police matter" that reveals a lack of clarity regarding police competence. Detailed instructions for service clothing with images. 

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