Trial against Jürgen Stroop Proces Jürgena Stroopa (Sygn. GK 196) an entity of type: Record
Trial against Jürgen Stroop
Proces Jürgena Stroopa (Sygn. GK 196)
Trial against Jürgen Stroop
Proces Jürgena Stroopa (Sygn. GK 196)
140 digital images, PDF
3 microfilm reels, 35 mm
Contains investigation files, evidence, and court documents relating to the war crimes trial of Jürgen Stroop, the SS and police chief who crushed the Warsaw ghetto uprising and ordered the destruction of the Warsaw ghetto. Also includes materials on crimes committed by his assistants, Franz Konrad and Herman Hoefle. Jürgen Stroop was tried by American military authorities in Dachau in January 1947, then extradited to Poland. In July 1951 Stroop was tried at the Warsaw District Court and executed by hanging that September.
Microfilmed records arranged chronologically in three series; 1. Statements of charges; 2. Evidence and testimonies; 3. Summary of charges. Files organized in the following order: Reel 1, vol. 1 - vol. III; Reel 2, vol. IV - vol. VIII; Reel 3, vol. XI - vol. XII. The accretion of digital records arranged in two series: 1. Correspondence regarding Jűrgen Stroop. and others (File #550 k. 23); 2. The case file from prosecution of Jűrgen Stroop, Franza Konrada, Hermana Hoefle (File #551 k. 117). Records are arranged in the original order of their acquisition from the source archive. The museum has acquired only selected records from Institute of National Remembrance (Instytut Pamięci Narodowej-Komisja Ścigania Zbrodni przeciwko Narodowi Polskiemu, or IPN). More information about this collection and other materials in the possession of the Institute of National Remembrance, including archival finding aids from the Archives of the Institute of National Remembrance, is available at the website: