Records of the Hungarian Prime Minister's Office: Bureau of Exemptions (MOL K 466) an entity of type: Record
Records of the Hungarian Prime Minister's Office: Bureau of Exemptions (MOL K 466)
Records of the Hungarian Prime Minister's Office: Bureau of Exemptions (MOL K 466)
266 digital images, JPEG
1 microfilm reel (digitized), 16 mm
Under German occupation in Hungary, in 1944, Regent Miklos Horthy established an office to exempt prominent Jews from particular measures such as wearing the yellow star, ghettoization, or deportation. This collection contains lists of people eligible for exemption status and individuals applying for this status.
The system of arrangement of the source repository has been preserved in the microfilm reel. Arranged in one series: Fond: K 466, Prime Minister's Office (Miniszterelnökség), and one sub-series: Department of Exemptions (Mentesitési osztály).