Der"Weltkamp" an entity of type: Record

1 electronic resource (9 pages) 
The file contains newspaper clippings of the antisemitic newspapers the 'Weltkampf' and 'Der Stürmer'. The Weltkampf was concerning 'the world fight: monthly for the Jewish question of all countries' and in this cutting is informing about the events in the Bern trial. General informations about the plaintiffs, the defendants and about the question of authenticity of the Protocols of the Wise man of Zion are revealed. Der Stürmer gives information about the recent reprint 'Live and practice in the Jewish Kahal' by Lutostansky. In this book, the Jewish plans for mastering the world are referred to and these plans often coincide with the Protocols of the Wise man of Zion, so Lutostansky argues. In addition, information about Lutostansky are displayed. He maintained that Jews wanted to divide Russia among themselves and he declared himself to be a Zionist and proposed that"Russia should make any sacrifice to help the Jews settle in Palestine and form an autonomous state of their ow". 

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