[Balkan politics]

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[Balkan politics] 
[Balkan politics] 
1 electronic resource (59 pages) 
The file contains informations about the Balkan policy from 1935 till 1937. Main topics are treaties, Eastern pact, Little Entente and Rome protocols. Collected informations in forms of typed acrticles, memorandum, hand written notes and newspaper articles are attached. The Little Entente was an alliance formed in 1920 and 1921 by Czechoslovakia, Romania and Yugoslavia with the purpose of common defense against Hungarian revanchism and the prevention of a Habsburg restoration. France supported the alliance by signing treaties with each member country. Newspaper articels and a memorandum about Little Entente can be seen. On a conference of the Little Entente's permanent council 1936 important issues have been discussed, like the European development and political agreements and treaties of other countries. Also foreign ministers of the countries of the Rome protocols met in 1936 to discuss the influence of the German-Austrian agreement, where also Göring was present. The Rome Protocols were a series of three international agreements signed in Rome on 17 March 1934 between the governments of Austria, Hungary and Italy. The protocols, even though only dealing with economic development, were part of the process of cooperation between the three signatory governments against the revisionist policies of Hitler. In addition informations about the Eastern pact are given in the handwritten notes. Furthermore informations about an establishment of better relations between Germany and Italy are attached. Göring, Baron von Neurath, the leaders of the Reichswehr, von Hessel, German ambassador in Rome and Herr von Papen, German ambassador in Vienna were the initistors of this agreement. Authors argue, that lines of a coming co-operation in central Europe and the Balkans can be seen. The central European relations want to increase their political power and the Balkan states want to make themself independend of all great powers, try to gain strength and force. 

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