[A letter from Kolischko to Vladimir Lvovitsch]

http://lod.ehri-project-test.eu/units/il-002820-9932929394804146-990004737700304146 an entity of type: Record

[A letter from Kolischko to Vladimir Lvovitsch] 
[A letter from Kolischko to Vladimir Lvovitsch] 
1 online resource (4 pages) 
In his letter, Kolyshko analyses the reception of the Protocols of the wise men of Zion in Russia - from total belief in their authenticity when they just appeared to complete discrediting by the 1917s. He explains that, as an important Journalist in Russia during the appearance of the protocols, he reported about them. Since he worked for newspapers like Novoje Wremja, Russkoje Slowo and others, he reported on the reactions of the population to the protocols. In the population too, the protocols were initially classified as credible, since they perfectly captured the ideas of Jews during this time. However, the opinion of the population regarding the authenticity of the protocols has also changed. By 1917 most of the people believed the protocols are a forgery. Nilus, according to Kolyshko, had a key role in the protocols' appearance. 

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