[Welt-Dienst news coverage on the Bern trial]

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[Welt-Dienst news coverage on the Bern trial] 
[Welt-Dienst news coverage on the Bern trial] 
1 electronic resource (30 pages) 
This file contains newspaper clips, reports and bulletins published by the Welt-Dienst in Erfurt, Germany. The documents are published in German, and French in 1935 and between 1938 and 1939. The Welt-Dienst was an anti-Semitic Newspaper, published twice a month in Germany and in several other countries as well as in 8 different languages. The news bureau was founded in 1933 by Ulrich Fleischhauer in Erfurt and a the magazine of the same name was published first in December 1933 by Fleischhauers U. Bodung-Verlag . The editors of the magazine also organized international anti-Semitic congresses and Fleischhauer also appeared as an expert in the Bern trail. From 1937 the magazine came under the influence of Alfred Rosenberg , the leading ideologist of the NSDAP. Under the direction of Rosenberg, the distribution increased to 21 languages. In 1939, the editors moved to Frankfurt am Main in the same building as the newly founded institute for the study of the 'Jewish question' and received within the office Rosenberg the designation"Office for Jewish and Masonic question". The flyer and pamphlets attached are regarding informations about the Bern trial and specifically the authenticity of the Protocols of the wise man of Zion. With anti-Semitic reasons why the protocols must be genuine, the world service tries to spread its anti-Semitic views and propaganda. Alleged sections from Jewish newspapers are cited and distorting, calls for participation in the Bern trial are made, furthermore, information about this trial should be spread as much as possible, because all other countries misrepresent or distort the events in the Bern trial, so the Welt-Dienst argues. In 1936 the Welt-Dienst published an pamphlet concerning the Soviets and their perception of war. It explains why the 'Jewish-governed Soviet Union must prepare a war against all countries, against Anti-Jewish Hitler Germany, just as against its present 'allies' France and Czechoslovakia.' It also reports, in its anti-Semitic views, about events in several countries. For example 'A Jews made Soviet Ambassador in Brussels.- Moscow pays for communist election propaganda in Belgium. In addition pictures are attached. 

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