Krupp, Siemens, I.G. Farben Aircraft Industries an entity of type: Record

Krupp, Siemens, I.G. Farben Aircraft Industries 
Krupp, Siemens, I.G. Farben Aircraft Industries 
2 electronic resources (25, 2 pages) 
The file is a compilation of articles from various Nazi publications dealing with industry and commerce. The first articles report on the Nationalpreis 1938 which was given to Willy Messerschmitt and Ernst Heinkel, both pioneers in the aircraft industry. The next topic discussed is the nationalization of the Reichsbank and the Reichsbank. Dr. Dorfmüller is reelected as the general director of the Reichsbahn in 1935. The company Höchst celebrated 75 since its founding in January 1938. A summary of its activities and history is given in the Frankfurter Zeitung. The newspaper also reports an increase in dividend payments at Siemens. An article in the newspaper"Freies Deutschlan" analyses the subsidies companies are given when using the Reichsbahn and the negative consequences for the railway carrier. It also reports the increased profits in the chemical industry and at Krupp and IG Farben. Each article lists the publication, date and, sometimes author. 

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