[Libel suits filed by Boris Lifschitz]

http://lod.ehri-project-test.eu/units/il-002820-9932929394804146-990004799770304146 an entity of type: Record

[Libel suits filed by Boris Lifschitz] 
[Libel suits filed by Boris Lifschitz] 
1 electronic resource (146 pages) 
Documents regarding the libel suit of Lifschitz against Werner Meyer in Zurich. The libel suit is based on an article that was published in"Die Fron" and acused Lifschitz of revolutionary activities. The accusations are based on financial transactions. The file contains the bill of indictments of Lifschitz against"Die Fron", an explanatory statement and a listing of evidence. The file contains the response of the lawyer of Meyer to the charge. The file contains documents that relate to the call of witnesses and presentation of evidence. Another document is about a libel suit that is heared in Lausanne and that is similar. It is about a libel in the magazine"Front Nationa". So Lifschitz requested to halt the trial in Zurich until the trial in Lausanne is finished. The lawyer of Meyer rejected it. The court was ordered to continue the trial. A document from November 5, 1937 is the amicable settlement. Another document is about a lawsuit of the lawyers Farbstein and Frank against Lifschitz about a bill. Request for settlement of Lipshitz. The file also contains a dismissed appeal of Meyer from 1938. 

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