Werner Schütz

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Werner Schütz 
Werner Schütz 
[4] pages Envelope 21/22 ; microfilm reel 098 ; Frames 444-450 
Werner Schütz was born on March 23, 1900 in Münster , Germany, he was a German jurist and politician (CDU). After the Second World War , Schütz was co-founder of the CDU in Düsseldorf. Schütz was appointed Minister of Culture in 1954 to the state government of North Rhine-Westphalia, led by Prime Minister Karl Arnold . In this office he was replaced in 1956 after the formation of the first social-liberal coalition of Paul Luchtenberg. Two years later, the CDU once again won the absolute majority, and Schutz was again appointed Minister of Culture. Schutz's actions against Wuppertaler professor and politician Renate Riemeck triggered the first seat strike of students in Germany in 1960. In 1962 he was replaced by Paul Mikat . --Wikipedia (viewed 27.4.2017). Newspaper clippings 

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