[Nazi Justice Trial Transcripts]

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[Nazi Justice Trial Transcripts] 
[Nazi Justice Trial Transcripts] 
1 electronic resource (22 pages) 
The file contains information (name and date/place of birth) about 15 perpetrators who were found guilty of having committed a not notifying authorities about an enemy of the"Reic". A Russian Prisoner of war, who was held in a penitentiary in Bruex, got to know that he is not too far way from Czech people who would help him in case he tried to flee. On October 6th in 1943 he escaped and fled to Raudnitz. Until his arrest he was taken care of by the defendants. The following is a list of all perpetrators, the crime they are accused of and their verdicts: Cenek Fuksa Sr. (born on 23 May 1888 in Lipkowitz) – Non-Notification of an Enemy of the 'Reich' – Death Penalty; Marie Fuksa (born on 12 September 1894 in Lipkowitz) – Non-Notification of an Enemy of the 'Reich' – Death Penalty; Wenzel Vizner (born on 28 November 1909 in Lipkowitz) – Non-Notification of an Enemy of the 'Reich' – Death Penalty; Wenzel Kunert (born on 12 August 1890 in Rowna) – Non-Notification of an Enemy of the 'Reich' – Death Penalty; Ruzena Tajfl (born on 29 December 1897 in Prague) – Non-Notification of an Enemy of the 'Reich' – Death Penalty; Miroslav Horak (born on 6 October 1905 in Prestavlky) – Non-Notification of an Enemy of the 'Reich' – Death Penalty; Ruzena Hering (born on 8 August 1917 in Kostomlaty) – Non-Notification of an Enemy of the 'Reich' – Death Penalty; Bohuslav Schor (born on 23 June 1908 in Lipkowitz) – Non-Notification of an Enemy of the 'Reich' – Five Years in a Penitentiary; Cenek Fuksa Jr. (born on 27 March 1925 in Lipkowitz) – Non-Notification of an Enemy of the 'Reich' – Four Years in a Penitentiary; Anton Stanislav (born on 15 July 1888 in Lipkowitz) – Non-Notification of an Enemy of the 'Reich' – Four Years in a Penitentiary; Anton Hrtska (born on 20 January 1896 in Lipkowitz) – Non-Notification of an Enemy of the 'Reich' – Four Years in a Penitentiary; Ruzena Cerny (born on 15 January 1898 in Lipkowitz) – Non-Notification of an Enemy of the 'Reich' – Four Years in a Penitentiary; Marie Vizner (born on 31 October 1912 in Lipkowitz) – Non-Notification of an Enemy of the 'Reich' – Three Years in a Penitentiary; Marie Stanislav (born on 17 April 1899 in Lipkowitz) – Non-Notification of an Enemy of the 'Reich' – Two Years and Six Months in a Penitentiary; Marie Kunert (born on 30 May 1891 in Lipkowitz) – Non-Notification of an Enemy of the 'Reich' – Two Years in a Penitentiary. 

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