Krupp ammunition plant; Alliance of Axis countries; Invasion of Yugoslavia and Greece an entity of type: Record
Krupp ammunition plant; Alliance of Axis countries; Invasion of Yugoslavia and Greece
Krupp ammunition plant; Alliance of Axis countries; Invasion of Yugoslavia and Greece
Title:"Hitler Pays Tribute to Krupp 13 August 194" Hitler visits the Krupp ammunition plant. Hitler pays tribute to Gustav Krupp von Bohlen. MS Hitler shakes hands with Krupp as officers look on. Hitler talking to and gesturing to civilian in dark suit as officers look on. Large crowd of factory workers cheer and salute as Hitler walks past them toward camera, then steps up into car and remains standing. Title:"Signing of the Military-Economic Alliance by Germany, Italy and Japan 27 September 194" Hitler welcomes delegates at the signing of the Germany-Italy-Japan alliance. LS Group of men led by von Ribbentrop, Ciano, and Japanese delegate striding down long, wide corridor. Same men coming into conference room. Ciano standing at conference table. Others file in. CU German officers. Hitler coming into room, salutes and is saluted. CU audience observing meeting. Approaches Ciano, shakes hand, then approaches Japanese delegate. MCU as he takes seat. LS of Hitler, Ciano and Kurusu (?) at table with their aides standing behind them. Two shots of Ciano and Hitler, pan down line of officers behind them. CU as Ribbentrop signs document, then Ciano, then Kurusu. Hitler and delegates leave table, walking past camera. Hitler at chancellery window, receives cheers of crowd, mass of people saluting fills screen. LS Hitler saluting at window, leaves balcony. Title: 1941 (03:56:07) Title:"1941 Bulgaria Joins Axis March 1941" Bulgarian delegate signs document to join Axis. German plane taxiing at airfield, Prof. Dr. Filov in coat debarks and shakes hands with Ribbentrop. Band plays group walks past honor guard. MS Ribbentrop, Filov, and Count Ciano take seats at conference table. CU German and Bulgarian signatories sign. LS Ribbentrop and Filov shake hands. Hitler and various delegates shake hands. Hitler speaking and gesturing to Filov. Title:"Invasion of Jugoslavia and Greece 6 April 194" Yugoslavia and Greece are invaded. Animap of region as names of Yugoslavian areas appear. VAR Anti-tank spikes, destroyed railroad tracks in Croatia; soldiers confer, march past houses along road, cross stream and drag artillery over wooden bridge. Animap shows entry into Greece at Salonika and Xanthi. VAR LS, smoke rises in valley from German artillery hits, German guns fire and recoil, view of valley, German sketching. Germans in foxhole gesture. LS Stuka planes in sky. Extreme HA (probably shot from plane) flying Stuka, bombs drop and explode. German tank rolls down street in Salonika, w/many civilian onlookers, as well as German officers saluting as tanks pass. View of Aegean harbor. Tanks roll toward camera; town in BG and column of smoke.