Reichs Archives of Opava an entity of type: Record
Reichs Archives of Opava
Reichs Archives of Opava
16,00 linear meters
The fonds documents the history of archiving in the government circuit Opava in the context of the Sudetenland Reichsgau (region) in the period 1938–1945. The fonds contains all the fundamental paperwork relating to the establishment and activities of the institution up until the end of Reich state administration in April 1945. The fonds contains several individual sources of value for the study of Jewish history. Primarily these are the results of research conducted by the archive in administrative institutions and parishes in the circuit of the Government President in Opava concerning the incidence of Jewish registers and records about Jewish inhabitants in Catholic registers from the years 1940–1945 (box 19, inv. № 83, call number Pr 18 (A 18)). Lists of registers according to the individual Jewish religious communities drawn up in the course of the years 1939–1945 (box 17, inv. № 63, call number Pr 15/1 (A15)) also concern the Jewish registers which the then regime took a great interest in. In the fonds 4 card indexes have survived holding details of persons of the Jewish faith with genealogical data or with references to court files which were acquired from the archival records taken over by the Reich archive (inv. № 152).
The fonds is arranged and made accessible by an inventory.