[Memo on Party and State]

http://lod.ehri-project-test.eu/units/il-002820-9932929395104146-990004704320304146 an entity of type: Record

[Memo on Party and State] 
[Memo on Party and State] 
1 electronic resource (15 pages) 
The document seems to be taken from a larger volume, starting on page 112 and including all the pages up to page 124. There is a handwritten note attached saying"The American Historical Association. National Archives Microcop" and attributing the writing possibly to M[artin] Bormann, giving a possible date of 1943. The document deals with the relationship between and responsibilities of the National Socialist Party and the National Socialist State. Propaganda should be the sole responsibility of hte Party. This is the most effective way and the way it was succesfull in destroying the old system before the coming into power of the National Socialists. The position and affiliation (whether with the Party or with State Institutions) of the"Reichspropagandaministeriu" (State Ministry of Propaganda) is discussed in this context, as well as Press and Culture and Cultural Education. The financial management of the Party is mentioned as well. 

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