Finland Ministry of Foreign Affairs Archives records an entity of type: Record
Finland Ministry of Foreign Affairs Archives records
Finland Ministry of Foreign Affairs Archives records
748 microfiche,
1 microfilm reel, 16 mm
Contains reports to Helsinki (Finland) from the following Finnish Embassies: Vienna (Austria), Washington, D.C. (USA), Warsaw (Poland), Stockholm (Sweden), Prague (Czech Republic), Paris (France), Oslo (Norway), Hague (Netherlands), Budapest (Hungary), Berlin (Germany), Bern (Switzerland). Also contains records of incoming and outgoing cables to and from these embassies and copies of the Finnish Foreign Ministry files on various matters related to Jews, including files on the"Jewish question" and Finnish emigration policy. Other miscellaneous documents include personal name lists of Jewish and Polish refugees, reports on prisoners of war who were held in Finnish POW camps, lists of camps, reports on confiscation of Jewish property in Romania in 1941, newspaper clippings relating to the persecution of Jews in France, and the"Jewish questio" in other European countries. The Finnish security police (Etsivä keskuspoliisi; later Valtiollinem poliisi, Valpo) documents contain temporary certificates for persons staying temporarily in Finland (1934-1950).
Arranged in four series: 1. RG-29.001M*01, Reports 5C"Rapport", 356 microfiche: Bern, no. 1-13; Vienna, no. 14-14 ; Washington, no. 15-24; Warsaw, no. 25-26; Stockholm: no 27-28; Prague: no. 29-30; Paris no. 31-38; Oslo, no. 39-41; Hague, no. 42-43; Budapest, no. 44-49; Berlin, no. 50-62; 2. RG-29.001*02, Sent Cables "Lah"]: Vichy, no. 63; Washington, no. 64: Budapest no. 65; Berlin no. 66; Oslo, no. 67; Warsaw, no. 68; Hague, no. 69; Bern, no. 70; Paris, no. 71; Prague, no. 72; Stockholm, no. 73. 3. RG-29.001M*03, Arrived Cables "Saa"], 231 microfiche: Berlin, no. 74; Bern, no. 75; Budapest, no. 76; Hague, no. 77; Oslo, no. 78; Paris, no. 79; Prague, no. 81; Stockholm, no. 81-82; Washington, no. 83-84; Vichy, no. 85; Warsaw, no. 86. 4. RG-29.001M*04, Miscellaneous documents relating to Jewish and Polish refugees, 1 microfilm reel, 16 mm.