Amtsgericht (District Court) of Vimperk an entity of type: Record

Amtsgericht (District Court) of Vimperk  @eng
Amtsgericht (District Court) of Vimperk  @eng
9,49 linear meters  @eng
The fonds includes documents of the Amtsgericht (District Court) of Vimperk from the period of the German occupation. The preserved files concern administrative and judicial agendas, both criminal and civil ones (disputes, seizures of property, inheritance, and guardianships), and the agenda of land books from 1938-1945. The criminal files include documents concerning national and racial discrimination, illegal crossing of the border, etc. Except for the agenda of inheritance court the fonds has been well preserved.  @eng
The fonds is divided into: A. Books (official and auxiliary ones) and B. Files: 1. Administrative files, 2. Files of the judicial agenda (general, civil, and criminal matters) and Land files.  @eng

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