S. A. Nilus i Sionskie Protokoly С. А. Нилус и Сионские Протоколы

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S. A. Nilus i Sionskie Protokoly С. А. Нилус и Сионские Протоколы 
S. A. Nilus i Sionskie Protokoly С. А. Нилус и Сионские Протоколы 
1 electronic resource (13 pages) 
A Russian-language newspaper article and German-language translation with a stamp. The article from the Latest News (Dernieres Nouvelles in the German translation), dated July 1st 1921, iscalled S. A. Nilus and the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, provides a biography of Nilus and his origins, as well as his relationships with his wife and the Russian orthodox church. The history of the manuscripts and the authorship of the protocols is also discussed. The article also ascribes the distribution of the protocols to Rachkovsky and notes their acceptance in court and the highest political circles.The articles are also translated into German. 

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