Richtlinien auf Sondergebieten zur Weisung Nr. 21 an entity of type: Record

Richtlinien auf Sondergebieten zur Weisung Nr. 21 
Richtlinien auf Sondergebieten zur Weisung Nr. 21 
1 electronic resource (10 pages) 
Administration guidlines from Fuhrerhauptquartier for military and civil administration in territory of military operation and in occupied territory. Signed by field marshall Wilhelm Keitel. Definition of territory of military operation and occupied territory. Guidlines for transition of terretories of military operations into occupied territories. Guidelines for division of occupied territory and political administration of occupied territories. Guidelines for civil and military competence of jurisdicion and authority to act. Guidelines for competences of the Army and the civil administration. Guidlines for economic administration and police. Attached two maps. One shows the front lines in different times. One shows the administrative areas on the height of the occopation. Attached a chart that shows the military administration in Russia. Also a order of Hitler about the appointment of commanders in the occupied territories. 

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