The Benjamin Tenenbaum (Tene) collection: testimonies of child survivors of the Holocaust an entity of type: Record

The Benjamin Tenenbaum (Tene) collection: testimonies of child survivors of the Holocaust  @eng
The Benjamin Tenenbaum (Tene) collection: testimonies of child survivors of the Holocaust  @eng
The GFH Tenenbaum collection includes hundreds of unedited testimonies of Holocaust survivor children, collected in 1946 and 1947 in Poland and Germany. Some eighty of the testimonies were published in his book"One of a City and Two of a Famil". However, as Tenenbaum himself admitted, they were edited, and carried some bias in favor of Zionism and the USSR. The GFH collection holds about 650 unedited testimonies in Russian, Polish and Yiddish. The material has been fully catalogued, indexed and scanned. For further information, see Cohen, Boaz. “The Children’s Voice: Postwar Collection of Testimonies from Child Survivors of the Holocaust.” Holocaust and Genocide Studies 21, no. 1 (January 1, 2007): 73–95  @eng

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