[Anti-Semite and opponent newspaper cuttings]

http://lod.ehri-project-test.eu/units/il-002820-9932929395104146-990004853790304146 an entity of type: Record

[Anti-Semite and opponent newspaper cuttings] 
[Anti-Semite and opponent newspaper cuttings] 
1 electronic resource (37 pages) 
The file contains several anti-Semitic newspaper cuttings, pamphlets and documents published in deffirent newspapers and countries. Most of the documents are eather published around 1920 or around 1934. Some of them refering to the 'Protocols of the Wise man of Zion' and the Bern trial, which was about to start in Switzerland, others refer to Judaism as the problem in their country. In addition other newspaper cuttings and reports trying to work against the anti-Semite movement are attached. Like the report by Dr. J. Stanjek from Berlin, writing about lies and fiction of Antisemitism in 'Aus der Küche des Antisemtismus' (From the kitchen of Antisemitism). Other inform about the forgery of the 'Protocols', how several newspapers, including 'The Time' already proved that these allerged 'protocols' are nothing than an anti-Semitic forgery. Also Irene Harands published some reports about the lies of the anti-Semite propaganda and how it was used especially after the first World War and within the 'Protocols'. 

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