Commissions, Committees and Conferences an entity of type: Record

Commissions, Committees and Conferences 
Commissions, Committees and Conferences 
31 files. 
The sub-series contains files relating to an interdepartmental committee to consider a scheme of public works (90/108/1); the International Congress for Criminal and Social Medicine (90/108/6); the League of Nations Advisory Committee on Social Questions, formerly the International Convention for the Suppression of Traffic in Women and Children (90/108/12-90/108/19). It also includes files on the Evian Conference and Inter-Governmental Committee on Refugees (90/108/7 – 90/108/10), commissions of inquiry and conferences relating to borstal institution for females (90/108/3); and files on the United Nations and the abolition of slavery, including the protocol amending the slavery convention of 1926 (90/108/32). 

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