Претуры и примарии Хотинского уезда
http://lod.ehri-project-test.eu/units/md-002886-2073_1 an entity of type: Record
Претуры и примарии Хотинского уезда
Judeţul Hotin – prefercturile judeţene, subprefecturile plaselor (preturilor) şi comunelor subordinate lor din stînga Nistrului
Hotin district prefecture and its subordinated preturas and town halls
Judeţul Hotin – prefercturile judeţene, subprefecturile plaselor (preturilor) şi comunelor subordinate lor din stînga Nistrului
Pretury i primarii Khotinskogo uyezda
Pretury i primarii Khotinskogo uyezda
Hotin district prefecture and its subordinated preturas and town halls
Претуры и примарии Хотинского уезда
Претуры и примарии Хотинского уезда
Judeţul Hotin – prefercturile judeţene, subprefecturile plaselor (preturilor) şi comunelor subordinate lor din stînga Nistrului
Hotin district prefecture and its subordinated preturas and town halls
Judeţul Hotin – prefercturile judeţene, subprefecturile plaselor (preturilor) şi comunelor subordinate lor din stînga Nistrului
Pretury i primarii Khotinskogo uyezda
Pretury i primarii Khotinskogo uyezda
Hotin district prefecture and its subordinated preturas and town halls
Претуры и примарии Хотинского уезда
1131 items
1131 dosare
Listele proprietarilor întreprinderilor comerciale, industriale și agricole; membrii Consiliului comunal. Informații statistice despre gospodării, manufacturi și comercianții; situația economică a satului Briceni; corespondența cu Pretura plasei Bcriceni privind resursele umane și listele funcționarilor instituțiilor din sat. Înregistrările certificatelor eliberate locuitorilor satului Bîrlădeni privind situația proprietățiilor, cetățeniei române și altele probleme. Informații statistice colectate cu scopul de a mobiliza întreprinderile industriale, rezervele produselor alimentare care trebuiau să fie confiscate de la săteni, numărul spitalelor și farmaciilor. Directivele prefecturii judeţului Hotin în ceea ce privește recensămîntul persoanelor care au migrat în America Latină și apoi au revenit la locul anterior de rezidență. Informații despre numărul și starea populației din satul Ghincăuţi. Directivele prefecturii judeţului Hotin cu privire la problemele de comerț și industrie, 1940. Listele locatarilor din Edineț, care au fost recrutaţi de armată în 1927, 1931, 1935, 1939. Informații statistice cu privire la situația economică a satului Caracuşeni și mișcarea populației. Lista de supraveghere a satelor și a membrilor sectelor, 1938. Ordinele și directivele preturelor privind condițiile de eliberare a pașapoartelor străine şi a acordării cetăţenii române. Solicitările localnicilor cu privire la obţinerea certificatelor de încredere. Lista de săteni cu indicarea mărimii terenurilor agricole primite în rezultatul reformei agrare din 1918-1923. Dosarele personale ale lucrătorilor la primăriile judeţului Hotin de origine iudaică.
Correspondence of pretura Briceni plasa with primarias regarding the identification of residents’ citizenship.
Files of the primaria of Briceni village: the list of owners of commercial, industrial, and agricultural properties; statistical information about the households, manufacturers, and merchants; statistical information about the economical situation of the village and the list of merchants and manufacturers members of the communal council; correspondence with pretura of Bcriceni plasa regarding human resources and the lists of officials of villages’ institutions.
Files of the primaria of Bîrlădeni village: records on the issuing of certificates of Romanian citizenship to the residents of the village; records on the issuance of certificates regarding property situation, Romanian citizenship, and other to the locals; records on the issuance of certificates on the reliability and Romanian citizenship of the residents of the village; statistical information collected for mobilization purposes regarding industrial enterprises, reserves of the foodstuff that should be seized from villagers, the number of hospitals and drugstores; the list of owners of commercial and industrial enterprises in the village in 1934; the list of owners of commercial and industrial enterprises in the village in 1935; the directives of the Hotin district prefecture regarding the census of people who emigrated to Latin America and then returned to the previous place of residency.
Files of the primaria of Ghincăuți village: information about the number and condition of the population; the directives of the Hotin district prefecture regarding the order of recognition of Romanian citizenship; the directives of Hotin district prefectura regarding the issues of commerce and industry.
Files of the primaria of Edineț village: the lists of residents of Edineț, who are subjects to army recruiting in 1927; the lists of residents of Edineț, who are subjects to army recruiting in 1931; the lists of residents of Edineț, who are subjects to army recruiting in 1935; the lists of residents of Edineț, who are subjects to army recruiting in 1939; the lists of residents of Edineț, who are subjects to army recruiting in 1939.
Files of the primaria of Caracușeni village: statistical information regarding the economical situation of the village and the movement of population; the list of village guard and of the members of sects.
Files of the primaria of Clocușna village: correspondence with Hotin district prefecture regarding administration issues; information regarding the movement of the population; the list of the residents; correspondence with the pretura of Secureni plasa regarding the issuance of permissions to open commercial enterprises by the residents of the village; the requests of the people to obtain
certificates of Romanian citizenship; statistical information about the livestock, agricultural surfaces; the list of owners of commercial and industrial enterprises and others; the records of the issuance of certificates of reliability, Romanian citizenship, and others to the residents of the village; records on the issuance of certificates of Romanian citizenship to the villagers; the lists of owners of commercial and industrial enterprises in the village in 1935‐36; record book of the persons living in the frontier region; the records on the census of cattle, track animals; the list of population of the village.
Files of the primaria of Lipcani village: the lists of young men from Lipcani, who are subjects to army recruiting in 1925.
Files of the primaria of Ocnița village: statistical information about the number and makeup of the population, regarding agricultural terrains etc.; the records on the issuance of certificates of biographical information, reliability, property situation and others to the villagers; the directive of the Hotin district prefecture on the regulations of use of sand quarries; the lists of the owners of
commercial and industrial enterprises of the village; the decision of the primaria regarding
the introduction of maximal prices for foodstuff; the directives of Hotin district prefecture
regarding the conditions of obtaining Romanian citizenship by the locals.
Files of the primaria of Hodorouți village: the orders and directives of pretura of Secureni plasa regarding the conditions of issuance of foreign passports; the requests of the locals regarding the
obtaining of reliability certificates; the lists of owners of commercial and industrial enterprises and the list of officials of primaria; statistical information about the number and composition of the population, industrial enterprises and others; files on the issuance of certificates regarding property and family situation, Romanian citizenship and others.
Files of primaria of Cepeleuți village: the list of villagers with the indication of the size of agricultural lands received in the result of the agrarian reform of 1918‐23; the personal files of the telephone switch board operator of primaria Briceni, Gnatovici Maxim; personal records of the worker of the primaria Briceni, Pinkas Roman Vasilevici; personal records of the official of
Clocușna primaria, Ryaboi Benedikt; personal records of the cashier of primaria Ocnița, Skripnik Fedor; the personal files of the notary of Briceni primaria, Yanovici Fedor