Regierungspräsident (Office of the Governing President) of Karlovy Vary an entity of type: Record

Regierungspräsident (Office of the Governing President) of Karlovy Vary 
Regierungspräsident (Office of the Governing President) of Karlovy Vary 
258,30 linear meters 
This is an exceptionally valuable fonds regarding political, economic, social and cultural history of an important part of the Sudetenland Reichsgau (Sudeten Reichs Region) in 1938–1945. For study of Jewish history, it is possible in particular to use the following archival records: box № 1 (Reports by the Gestapo on number of arrested and confiscated property of Jewish associations, 1938), box № 1 (Pogroms on Jews, burning to the ground of synagogues, 1938), box № 7, call № 1103 (Aryan origin of officials, 1938–1943), box № 8, call № 1203 (Employment of Jews in state services, 1939–1944), box № 29, call № 1103 (Directive on proof of German blood, 1940–1941), box № 89–91, call № 651/1 (Confiscation of the property of enemies of the Reich, 1940–1941), box № 99, call № 705/2 (Annexation of spa houses and accommodation businesses). 
The fonds has not been arranged. Only temporary Inventory lists exist. The fonds is preserved in a rather fragmented scope. Significant losses are registered in particular for File groups I/2 Police protection, gendarmerie, I/5 General territorial matters, national minorities and support for Germanness, I/6 Healthcare and racial care etc. 

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