Harry Ehrismann papers
http://lod.ehri-project-test.eu/units/us-005578-irn543398 an entity of type: Record
Harry Ehrismann papers
Harry Ehrismann papers
The Harry Ehrismann papers consist of an unbound scrapbook created by Ehrismann documenting the voyage of the MS St. Louis, its return to Europe, and the selection of passengers to be transferred to the Netherlands. The first folder includes correspondence; notes; a report by C.G. van Dalfsen and Gilles Hendrik van Helden (inspectors of the Municipal Police of Rotterdam) describing the selection of refugees to be welcomed by the Netherlands; a list of those passengers; a registration card for Hannelore Klein; and three name cards worn by passengers Hannelore Klein, Hilde Pander, and Martin Hess as they disembarked. Correspondence includes a photostat of a Cuban permission for immigration for Heinz Georg and Elsa Blumenstein; a photostat of a letter from the Jewish Committee in Amsterdam to the Commissioner in Rotterdam thanking the city for permitting the MS St. Louis to land; and a letter from former passengers Johanna and Fritz Feldsburg indicating they were leaving Rotterdam for Chile in May 1940. Five handwritten notes handed to Ehrismann while he was aboard the St. Louis document passengers Fritz Händler and his wife; Georg and Thea Moses; Hermann Strauss; the Meyerstein family; and Moritz, Klara, and Ursula Frank. The second folder includes clippings from Dutch newspapers documenting the return of the St. Louis to Europe, its stops at Vlissingen and Antwerp, and the transfer of Netherlands-bound passengers aboard the SS Jan van Arkel.
The Harry Ehrismann papers are arranged as a single series.