[The Annihilation of the Jews in the General Government]

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[The Annihilation of the Jews in the General Government] 
[The Annihilation of the Jews in the General Government] 
1 electronic resource (19 pages) 
The file contains a statement of Secretary of the State Buehler from a government meeting in the General Government in december 1942. He demands an effort to get laborers for the exploitation of the land. He complains that Jews that were used in the production were taken for annihilation. He complains the lack of policy for the economy in the General Gouvernment. Another document is the two-month report of the gouvernor of Warsaw district from december 1942. It deals among others with the increased resistance, the push to get laborers and states that the evacuation of the Jews is almost finished. A letter from the Reichsfuhrer SS from March 1943 to the SS and Police Leader East. He says it should be avoided to not inform the civil administration when there are actions. A circular letter of Bormann from July 1943 who urges in the name of the Fuhrer that the handling of the Jewish Question should avoid debating the overall solution. It can be said that the Jews are taken for work. A letter of the sub-district Commander of Radom country to the department of population and welfare at the governor of the district Lublin. The leter states that a special services commando took 69 Jews to Sobibor. Report of OFK 365, 17.10.42 quoting a member of the Judenrat in Lemberg. It is clear the Jews know about their fate. Report of the propaganda department in Cracow that gives evidence of the annihilation of the Jews. 

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