Fascist racial theory and health
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Fascist racial theory and health
Fascist racial theory and health
Roll 4: Closeup, head on, to camera. SS on sleeveband [see Protokoll for content]. Ein Symptom...Volk...Gefahr. Wir muessen immer zum Teil in der Grossstadt leben. Ein Lebenstil. Ich habe die groesste Angabe...der Partei...Partei und Stadt wird. Einheit. 01:25:10 VCU to camera [see Protokoll for quote in German, roughly translated]: 'A people (Volk) must be either hammer or anvil. The value of the blood determines the value of the race. The German Volk has demonstrated its worth. It must become the nucleus (kernel) of the Greater German Reich. Then we will succeed in providing the proof that indeed, the individual is mortal, and his life ends with death; but a people (Volk) can renew itself, better and stronger with each generation, to eternal life.'