Sewing, laundry, dentist, carpentry, trains at Camp Westerbork an entity of type: Record
Sewing, laundry, dentist, carpentry, trains at Camp Westerbork
Sewing, laundry, dentist, carpentry, trains at Camp Westerbork
CU, wooden table covered with buttons. CU of man's and woman's hands covering buttons in leather, putting it through a press. 02:04:05 Pan of a large working hall with people sewing. Laundry room: MS of women in white overcoats putting white sheets through a press and folding sheets. Men pulling out clean laundry from large washing machines and separating them into tall wooden crates. Row of women behind table ironing. 02:06:38 MS, chemical lab. Men and women in white coats mixing chemicals. Shelves with bottles filled with chemicals. CU of man looking through microscope. 02:07:40 MS, sign on barrack: ZAHNSTATION-EINGANG UM DIE ECKE. Camp's dentist office: row of people in dentist's chairs are examined. Male dentists working with female nurses. Men and women getting wood planks from train wagon. Piles of boards. Small hand-pulled wagon filled with bricks. MS, carpenter shop. CU, cutting glass and inserting on greenhouse roof. CU, planting bulbs. 02:14:50 LS, moving train interiors, train passing by bare landscape and small farms, water canal (shot from engine room). Train approaching canal docks. 02:16:50 MS, small boat going down a canal. Larger steamboat in canal dock. Pan of group of men and women in dark uniforms unloading bricks from the steamboat. Men hammering with large wooden pool. Wagons filled with bricks pulling away from the boat and canal. WS, man sitting on top of brick pile, train steam. LS, train passing farms, farm animals. Hog farm, feeding chickens. Child playing with calf. MS, milking can, goats.