Michael von Faulhaber

http://lod.ehri-project-test.eu/units/il-002820-9932934263804146-990004370620304146 an entity of type: Record

Michael von Faulhaber 
Michael von Faulhaber 
[68] p. Envelope 6/66 ; microfilm reel 061 ; Frames 1284 - 1395 
"Michael von Faulhaber (March 5, 1869 – June 12, 1952) was a Roman Catholic Cardinal who was Archbishop of Munich for 35 years, from 1917 to his death in 1952. Faulhaber was a political opponent of the Nazi government and considered Nazi ideology incompatible with Christianity; but he also rejected the Weimar Republic as rooted in treason[1] and opposed democratic government in general, favoring a Catholic monarchy. Faulhaber spoke out against some Nazi policies, but publicly recognized the Nazi government as legitimate, required Catholic clergy to remain loyal to the Nazi government, and maintained bridges between fascism and the Churc"--wikipedia. Newspaper clippings 

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