Papers of D.Mellows an entity of type: Record
Papers of D.Mellows
Papers of D.Mellows
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Report on the East End Scheme, issued under the auspices of the United Synagogue in June 1898, dealing with the question of interpreters at police courts, courts of arbitration for the settlement of private disputes; recommendations for the amelioration of the social, intellectual and spiritual condition of the poorest Jews in East London; statistics; proposals for teaching English, giving lectures, forming libraries, reading rooms; providing food for the poor, clubs and athletic associations, creches, mothers' meetings, provident and benevolent societies, savings banks; recommendations about Beth Hamedrash and the Beth Din. Papers relating to the Association of Jewish Youth, including reports of provincial survey of Jewish youth, 1950; report on East and North East London clubs, Mar 1950; report of visit by Mellows to Paris for the meeting of the World Federation of Young Men's Hebrew Associations, May 1951; reports on Jewish youth work in Birmingham, Manchester, Leeds and Liverpool, Apr 1958; statistical information on clubs and leisure facilities in Manchester and Salford, Liverpool and Leeds, Jun 1950; report of the conference on Jewish organisations for religious education and culture in Western Europe, sponsored by Alliance Isralite Universelle, American Jewish Committee and Anglo-Jewish Association, Jun 1955; report of East End Committee, London Board of Jewish Religious Education, May 1951; plan for the inculcation of Judaism in Jewish clubs, Apr 1944 and two copies of a paper by David Mellows 'Youth movement in British Jewry', 1945; rules of the United Synagogue youth fellowship, 1946; United Synagogue youth fellowship regulations adopted by Council of United Synagogue, Mar 1946; extract from the report of the Jewish Lads' Brigade, 1937, appeal of the Jewish Lads' Brigade, 1949; pamphlet illustrating the history of the Brady clubs and settlement, 1955.