United Restitution Organization (URO)
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United Restitution Organization (URO)
United Restitution Organization (URO)
1 electronic resource (54 pages)
The file contains seven circulars (“Rundschreiben”) by the United Restitution Organization (Frankfurt) ranging between March and May 1974. The circulars include the following issues: no. 1842, no. 1841, no. 1840, no. 1837, no. 1836, no. 1835, and no. 1834. They mainly deal with recent court judgements made by the German Federal Court (Bundesgerichtshof) on questions of restitution after Nazi persecution, especially regarding juridical regulations and procedures for health damages following Nazi persecution in the Ghetto of Czernowitz, for pensions, but also on recent judgements regarding the professional damages following Nazi persecution and changes in the law for restitution for former members of the Public Service. The topics include: „Gesundheitsschaden, Ghetto Czernowitz“, „Berufsschaden“, „Änderung des Gesetzes zur Regelung der Wiedergutmachung nationalsozialistischen Unrechts für Angehörige des öffentlichen Dienstes“, “Anfechtung eines Abgeltungsvergleichs“, „Neuantrag nach BEG-SchlussG scheitert nicht an früherer Versagung von Ansprüchen gem. Paragraph 7 BEG“.