Blick in die Welt (magazine) an entity of type: Record

Blick in die Welt (magazine) 
Blick in die Welt (magazine) 
1 electronic resource (120 pages) 
The file contains the 6th and the 9th Volume of the 'Blick in die Welt' magazine. In the preface the publisher apologized for the irregular appearance of the magazine, therefore it is hard to tell if the appearance is weekly, mounthly or yearly. The 6th edition of the 'Blick in die Welt' has 64 pages with 27 chapters. The 9th edition has 56 pages and has also 27 chapters, both are written in German and published in Germany. Several authors wrote especially for this magazine, others just published some of their reports, which have been also published in other newspapers. The subjects in these magzines differ from each other, some are political oriented other cultural, historical or economical. Topics as"A view on Europ", by Alfred Joachim Fischer, which tells about the history of Europe and how it changed, or"Die Gabe der Weise" by O. Henry, which is a classical but yet timeless Christmas story. Nevill Barbout the author of"Das Problem Palästin" was one of the English middle east experts. He explains in his reports the disire of the Jews to go back to their holy Land in the 19th Century. How Herzl become the leader of the Zionist movement and how more and more Jews resettled in Palästina. In adition advertisments for Operas and Theaters, as well as critics and reports regarding them can be seen. Also sportsnews, crossword puzzles and an extra section for kids can be found in the magazine. 

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