Burgenländisches Landesarchiv

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Burgenländisches Landesarchiv 
The archive holds records and documents regarding activities of the Office of the Provincial Government of Burgenland, files, maps, plans, microfilm, diagrams, photos, etc. on the both local and national history. The archive was informally created in 1922. On 1 October 1945, after World War II and the creation of Austria as an independent nation, the Landesarchiv and Landesbibliothek became an independent division of the Austrian government. 
(02682) 600-2058 
(02682) 600-2358 
The holdings of the archive include various administrative, governmental and court documents from before 1922 (Forschungsarchiv) as well as after 1922 (Bezirksgerichte und Bezirkshauptmannschaften Archiv). A gap of material does exist, however, between the critical period of 1938 and 1945, when Burgenland did not exist as an independent state. Administrative records from this time period can be found in the Niederösterreichischen Landesarchiv (northern districts) and the Steiermärkischen Landesarchiv (southern districts). Among others contains restitution holdings: Opferfürsorge-Akten Burgenland (applications to the Opferfürsorgegesetz of deceased applicants), restriction: 50 year retention period 

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