Forced labor construction of giant submarine pen an entity of type: Record

Forced labor construction of giant submarine pen  @eng
Forced labor construction of giant submarine pen  @eng
French POWs, concentration camp inmates, Polish and Soviet POWs from Neuengamme subcamp Bremen-Farge - forced labor at U-Boat construction site"Valenti" in Bremen. 00:02:09 Good establishing shots of construction complex and adjacent Weser River. Train pulling into site, LS men working at base of high wall under construction. Guiding crane. 00:05:50 VS French uniformed POWs digging, lifting girders. 00:06:17 LS concentration camp inmates in striped clothing unloading bags of cement and carrying them on their shoulders, MS then MCU. 00:07:03 LS of train, and pan of buildings, cranes and construction. 00:07:33 Laborers working in LS then pan over fields and woods adjacent to site. LS steel framing and tracks. Pan left, waterway in BG, then gravel or dirt pits, barracks and construction area.  @eng

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