"The Jews of Modern France / P.E. Hyman. - Berkeley/Los Angeles, 1998. - p. 155, 156" . "With the moderation of French policy toward the refugees as a result of the election of the Popular Front government in the spring of 1936, French Jewish refugee relief revived. At the initiative of the Joint Distribution Committee, a new committee, Comité d’Assistance aux Refugiés, was established with Raymond-Raoul Lambert as its general secretary. Under Lambert’s leadership, CAR focused on providing assistance, including vocational retraining, that would enable the refugees to finds a niche in France. From the fall of 1938 until the outbreak of the war in 1939-09 the staff of CAR worked unceasingly to ameliorate the situation of the refugees within the shifting constraints of French policy."@eng . "Comité d’Assistance aux Refugiés"@eng . .