. . . " Edward Reed to the Nuncio to Italy Borgongini Duca"@eng . . " Edward Reed au nonce en Italie Borgongini Duca"@eng . . " Edward Reed to the Nuncio to Italy Borgongini Duca"@eng . "Not available."@eng . " Edward Reed au nonce en Italie Borgongini Duca"@eng . . . "Reed asks Borgongini Duca to inform the Secretariat of State of the Holy See that, according to information received by the Government of the United States from its Embassy in Moscow, the Soviet authorities have refused to undertake investigations on behalf of the Government of the United States for the purpose of ascertaining the whereabouts in\r\nthe Soviet Union of persons who are not American citizens. It is in the understanding of United States Government, says Reed, that persons of Polish nationality now in Soviet-occupied Poland are considered by the Soviet\r\nGovernment to be citizens of the U.S.S.R and, as such, are not the\r\nappropriate subjects of an inquiry on the part of a foreign government."@eng . . .