Morris and Lala Fishman papers an entity of type: Record
Morris and Lala Fishman papers
Morris and Lala Fishman papers
circa 1944-1948
The Morris and Lala Fishman papers consist of identification papers, photographs, and printed materials documenting Lala Fishman’s displaced persons status after the Holocaust, her life in the Hasenhecke and Möncheberg displaced persons camps, Morris Fishman’s work as JDC director of the displaced persons camps in the Kassel, Passau, and Regensburg regions, and their marriage. Identification papers consist of Lala Fishman’s D.P. Identification Card, War Department dependant wife identification card, temporary travel document in lieu of passport, and Israel Bureau of Immigration card, as well as an affidavit prepared by Morris Fishman attesting to his wife’s identity. Photographs depict Morris and Lala Fishman and displaced persons, camps, and personnel in the areas of Kassel and Regensburg. Printed materials include two Hebrew primers published by the JDC on paper acquired from the Kassel staff of Stars and Stripes and a copy of the Fishmans’ wedding dinner menu.
The Morris and Lala Fishman papers are arranged as three series: I. Identification papers, 1946-1948, II. Photographic materials, approximately 1944-1948, III. Printed materials, 1947