"Dormitory-style room full of young children in beds and nurses. Nurses read. The children listen, look at the pictures, and play with toys in bed. Girl runs out to balcony, a nurse follows. LS of pond and trees. The nurse and the patient look out at the view together and chat. Patient is wheeled down a hallway, the plaster cast on her leg is cut off. She practices walking without her cast and gets a piece of candy. Child writes on a paper with a Christmas tree on it. Children bundled up on deck chairs outdoors on a balcony. A nurse helps tuck them in. They close their eyes or read. Brief shot of ornate crucifix and statuary. CU nurse and a girl. Little girls share their drawings and pass around a doll baby."@eng . . "1947 December" . "Nurses with young patients"@eng . . . "Nurses with young patients"@eng . .