"Intertitle: “Once Upon a Time.” Eva plays with leaves and placing them in a basket. Her mother, Lily Brust, stands next to her. She plays with a small rake and then sits in the basket of leaves. Intertitle reads “Vigyazzon Terez, elforik az uveg.” Three women labor over a table covered with jars, working to seal the lids. Intertitle reads “Évike az ö külön strandján nem akarodik kijönni.” Eva bathes and plays in an outdoor basin. She kicks the water and throws it playfully at her governess on the right. The governess helps her out of the water, dries her off with a towel, and dresses her. 01:05:26 Intertitle “A potya publikum.” CU of two women on a balcony. ECU of Tommy smiling at the camera. One woman shoots the film while another woman looks through binoculars and smiles for the camera. They look out at the crowds of people below. 01:06:39 Intertitle “1937 majusban a Hármas-határhegyen.” An outdoors gathering. Eva is dressed in traditional Hungarian garb. She eats a piece of soft pretzel. CU of her sitting at the table wearing large round sunglasses. 01:07:06 Intertitle “Pünkösdkor a Balatonon strandolunk a szemérmes Éva és a… Ádám”. Eva plays with sand at the beach. A young boy approaches. She plays in the water. She rides a tricycle around a fenced in porch. Another slightly older girl gets on the bike. Intertitle “Az élö baba és a kis schwester”. The girl pushes a baby in a carriage. She affectionately pets and kisses her. Intertitle “ki az erösebb?”. The third slightly older girl fights the other young girl on who gets to push the carriage. 01:11:33 “Soma bácsi a mindig örömmel fogadott vendég”. Two men greet a man and a woman outside. They all sit around a table on the porch. “Milyen elegans vagy Soma!!!” They act like family or old friends. “Balatoni kirándulás”. Men and women in swimming gear play around a lake. Two men cover a third in a straw chair. Intertitle “Eleket széjjeltépik a nök.” Intertitle “Az ünnepelt Fantus Böske és a fény-képezök hada.” The family sit around a set table outdoors. Car driving down a street and tall buildings. A man and a woman walk through the street towards the camera. 01:15:32 Eva hugs her grandfather(?) who has just arrived with his wife. He feeds her snacks. The older man and woman play pool while Eva stands on a stool to watch. “Budapesten 1937. Januar havaban. Mr. and Mrs. Robinson.” Eva and her family are on a street in Budapest. She plays with her governess and other women. Camera pans right to the Inner City Parish Church. Camera pans left to Eva and her governess walking down the steps of a large rounded building with tall columns. Men and women walk up the street towards the camera. 01:19:33 “Séta a nagy. Mamáéknál.” Eva pushes a baby doll in a stroller through the streets of Budapest. WS of the street as a trolley moves through. Horse drawn carriages cross the street, along with pedestrians. She exits a building holding her grandmother’s(?) hand."@eng . . "Jewish family life before the war in Budapest"@eng . . . "Jewish family life before the war in Budapest"@eng . .