. . . "This collection is arranged in twelve series: 1. Hauptamt (Oberbuergmeister der Stadt Sosnowiec and the Protocols of the Municipal Council), File 5605-5726; 2. Personalamt, File. 5727-5860; 3. Rechnungspruefungsamt, File 5861-5916; 4. Rechtsamt, File 5917-6009; 5. Statistischesamt, File 6010-6061; 6.Versicherungsamt, File, 6062-6119: 7. Preisbehoerde, File 6120-6153; 8. Food Supply and Economic Dept., File 6154-6174; 9. Zewigsstelle der Deutschen Volksliste, File 6175-6178; 10. Polizeiverwaltung, File 6179-6217; 11. Schul-und Kulturamt, File 6218-6257; 12. Volkspflegeamt, File 6258-6287; 13. Gesundheitsamt, File 6288-6297; 14. Bau-Wohnungs und Siedlungsweses, File 6298-7120."@eng . "The collection contains approximately 1,500 files from the German occupation period from the Sosnowiec City Hall."@eng . "19,021 digital images, JPEG\n\n16 microfilm reels (digitized), 35 mm"@eng . "Records of the city Sosnowiec\n\nAkta miasta Sosnowca (Sygn. 776/I)"@eng . . . "Records of the city Sosnowiec\n\nAkta miasta Sosnowca (Sygn. 776/I)"@eng . .